September 7, 2024 - Psalms 136:1
“Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good! His faithful love endures forever.” Psalms 136:1 NLT
All praise be to God Almighty! We praise you for how good you are. We can always count on you. You will never fail us. You are forever faithful. We praise you for never changing. You are the same yesterday, today, and forever. You will always be trustworthy. You will forever be loving. Your love is steadfast. We thank you for how you love us. No other love will ever begin to compare to how you love us. We praise you for the price you paid to redeem us. You are our deliverer. You are there for us again and again. Even when we mess up, you are there to forgive us and clean us up. You are our rescuer. No matter what kind of mess we get ourselves in, you are there to save us. We praise you for being Emmanuel – God with us. You surround us. We can never hide from you. Thank you for how amazingly good you are. Great are you, our Lord. What an amazing God you are. We are honored to have the opportunity to spend eternity in your presence. We will spend all eternity declaring praises to your name and we will never run out of things to praise you for. We can’t wait to get to heaven and worship with all of heaven, but how wonderful that we don’t have to wait until we get there. We praise your name now and every day of our lives. For you are worthy, our glorious God!
In Jesus name, amen.
