September 29, 2024 - John 3:34
“For he is sent by God. He speaks God’s words, for God gives him the Spirit without limit.” John 3:34 NLT
Jesus, here we see John the Baptist proclaiming to the crowds that he is preparing a way for you, our Messiah, and the great things that you will do. Jesus, you were sent to earth by God. We thank you so much for coming to make a way for us to be forgiven and restored. We praise you that while you were still God, you chose to limit yourself to the confines of human limitations. In this verse, we also see the key to how you, within human limitations, did the miracles that you did. You were given the Holy Spirit without limit to walk with you. The Spirit spoke to you, led you, and filled you with His power. It was through His guidance and power that you were able to live a sin free life. It was through Him that you were able to proclaim the wisdom of God. It was through Him that you were able to love with the love of God. It was through Him that you had the insight to see beyond the natural. It was through Him that you had the power to command demons to flee, heal the sick, and raise the dead. All of the miracles you performed, you did as a mere human through the power of the Holy Spirit.
Lord, what hope that gives us. In chapter 16 of John, you tell us that you are returning to heaven, but you are sending the Holy Spirit to come and fill us. We now have access to the same guidance and power that you had. What enabled you, as a mere human, to do all the amazing things you did, is now fully in us without limit as well. The only limits are what we place on Him. Lord, help us to truly grasp what this means and let it change the way we live. Holy Spirit, we welcome you into our lives fully. Help us to never limit what you want to do in and through us. We praise you for being our friend, our guide, and our power. How extraordinary!
In Jesus name, amen.
