September 28, 2024 - Isaiah 43:25
“I—yes, I alone—will blot out your sins for my own sake and will never think of them again.” Isaiah 43:25 NLT
Lord, we praise you for how your forgiveness works. When we bring our sins to you and ask for your forgiveness, you cover them with your blood. You blot them out and remove them. You choose to no longer hold that sin against us. It is gone forevermore. We praise you for the power of your pure blood. It has the power to remove our sins. How amazing is that? We thank you that not only do you have the power to forgive our sins, but you love us enough to actually do it. You loved us so much that you chose to come to earth and live a sin free life so that you could be a worthy sacrifice for our sins. Then you willingly died a sinner’s death to pay the price of our sin. All so that we could be forgiven and restored to a right relationship with you.
There is no other god or entity with the authority to forgive our sins, and there is no other way for them to be forgiven but through you. Thank you so much for loving us so much that you are not only willing to forgive us, but you long for us to bring our sins to you so that you can forgive us. Help us be quick to bring our sins to you and not hide in shame. Silence any lies of the enemy that would keep us from quickly seeking your forgiveness when we need it. Teach us how to forgive others who sin against us the way you forgive us when we sin against you time and time again.
In Jesus name, amen.
