September 28, 2023 - Ps 37:23-24
“The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand.” Ps 37:23-24 NLT
Lord, we thank you for your unending faithfulness to us. You are the perfect parent walking with us. You know when to catch us so we don’t get hurt, but you also know when to let us stumble so we will learn. You know when to give us things freely that we don’t even deserve and when to make us work for something. Either way you are there, and you are faithful.
Lord, we thank you for the promise in the verse, but we recognize that there is a contingency within this verse. It says that you will be there directing the steps of the Godly and keep them from stumbling. We need to be living Godly lives for this promise to work. We commit to living a Godly life, Jesus. Help us always align our life to your ways. Don’t let us veer even in the smallest of ways, because what starts off as a tiny veer over time will become huge. Help us live pure lives. Holy Spirit, please change us to look more like you - to shine like lights that stand out in a dark and lost world.
We thank you for how this verse says that though we stumble you will never let us fall. At times you might let us struggle enough that we can learn and grow. It is like a seed when it is growing. It must work hard to push its way up through the dirt. It is a struggle, but it is in that struggle that it gets the strength to grow up strong and become what you created it to become. It is not alone. Even though it struggles you are still there leading it and giving it life. Open our eyes and let us see how you are always with us and faithfully protecting us regardless of the struggle. We are building our muscles and learning to run with you. Thank you for how you are with us and protecting us.
In Jesus name, amen.
