September 27, 2023 - Matthew 6:33
“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.” Matthew 6:33 NLT
Lord, we thank you that you are our provider. You want to give us everything that we need. Not only just what we need, but you want to give us the desires of our heart. You know our hearts and what will truly fulfill us better than we know them ourselves. You can see beyond what we can see. You know the things that look good to us but will turn into something bitter. We thank you for the times that we have asked for things, but you haven't given them to us out of protection for us. We thank you that you always have our best interests in your plans.
Lord, what a beautiful promise this verse holds. Teach us what it really means to live for you. Holy Spirit, please help us live a righteous life. Be the voice in our head leading us. Give us the strength to say no when we should say no, to walk away when we need to walk away, and to speak up when we should speak up. Purify us. Turn up the heat if necessary to allow the imperfections to come to the surface where we can see and deal with them. When we see them, give us the strength to do what is necessary to get rid of them and not hide them away again.
Lord, we want to seek you as the treasure you are. You are the most valuable thing we could ever invest in. There is nothing that we would give up to find more of you that would not be worth it. We want to know you more. We want to sit at your feet to hear your stories and the secrets you want to tell us. Thank you that you say, if we seek you, we will find you. We look forward to seeking out and finding more of you today!
In Jesus name, amen.
