September 26, 2022 - Philippians 1:11
“May you always be filled with the fruit of your salvation—the righteous character produced in your life by Jesus Christ—for this will bring much glory and praise to God.” Philippians 1:11 NLT
Lord, we want to be fruitful people all the days of our lives. We never want to be people that others can look at and say, “They say they are Christians, but I don’t see any evidence of that.” Help us live a life that stands out as different from our society. Let our lives have so much fruit that there is no question that we are your committed followers. Help us be examples of what it means to live out your Kingdom principles. Develop our character. File off the rough edges. Jesus, please work on us until we start to look like you.
Teach us how to love like you love. We want to be faithful in all we do. Help us persevere even when life is at its toughest and all we want to do is quit. Fill us with your joy until it overflows out of us and infects those around us. Give us patience that goes way beyond our natural ability. We want to have patience with ourselves, with you, and with those in our lives. Help us always choose to be good and kind to those around us. Give us gentle hearts and spirits. Help our presence bring a peace and calm everywhere we go that contradicts the chaos of the world we live in. Teach us how to live a righteous life that is full of self-control and brings you glory in all that we do. Give us such hatred for sin and selfishness.
Lord, we want everything about our lives to reflect you. Help us learn to live in a way that we honor you and represent you well to the world. If we are the only version of you that some people will ever meet, we want to look as close to you as possible and represent you well. Transform us to make that a reality in our lives.
In Jesus name, amen.
