September 25, 2024 - Isaiah 43:21
“the people I formed for myself that they may proclaim my praise.” Isaiah 43:21 NIV
Lord, we praise you that you formed us by your hand. We were made for you. We were not an accident or something that just happened because our parents got together. Every detail of who we are was thought out and created by you. Nothing was a mistake, but a purposeful, beautiful, perfect creation. You made us for yourself. We were made to walk in relationship with you. We were made to worship you. It is in doing those things that we will find true happiness. There is nothing else that we could ever do or accomplish that will bring us as much satisfaction as fully walking in a deep friendship with you. Thank you for the honor of being your prized creations.
Help us to fully surrender our lives to you. Teach us how to live from a place that is always worshiping you. Teach us how to open ourselves up fully to all that you are. Help us to press in and take the time to get to know you. We want to uproot anything in our lives that would hold us back from allowing ourselves to be fully open to you. Remove anything that keeps your presence from being able to fully dwell in us. Let everything about our lives proclaim your praise. For you are worthy of all the praise, all the glory, and all the honor forevermore.
In Jesus name, amen.
