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September 22, 2023 - Mark‬ ‭10:27

“Jesus looked at them and replied, “With people it is impossible, but not with God—God makes all things possible!”” Mark 10:27 TPT

Lord, how amazing is it that we serve the God who specializes in the impossible. Not only can you do the impossible, but you love to do the impossible for us. I love that you tend to set things up in our lives so that they are bigger than us. You put us in impossible situations, so that we can learn to rely on you.

Help teach us to do this more and more. Help us learn that just because we come up to an impossible situation doesn’t mean that we stop or give up. Help our first thought not be, “This is impossible, I can’t do it.” Let it be, “God, this is another opportunity for you to show your power in our lives. Come and do the impossible. We thank you for it.” Let our first thoughts always be thoughts of faith and expectancy, instead of doubt and discouragement. Forgive us for the times that we have given up and not walked in faith.

Lord, we ask for you to grow our faith. Let us believe that not only can you do the impossible, but you can do the impossible for us and through us. Your willingness to do crazy impossible things through people, isn’t just for those “special” or super anointed people. We each have the power within us to see you use us to do the impossible. Teach us how to access and use that power. Increase our faith. Silence any lies the enemy would want to tell us that say, “You won’t use us or do the impossible through us.” Thank you that you want to do the impossible and work through each and every one of us. Jesus, today, let’s partner together and do some impossible things!

In Jesus name, amen.

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Colleen Crawford has served full time with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) since 1995. She served with YWAM Orlando for over 20 years. Since then, has been serving all over the world with YWAM Ships. She has a deep love for... 

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