September 22, 2022 - 1 Corinthians 10:31
“So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31 NLT
Lord, we do want to glorify you in all that we do. This is one of the things that is so easy to say and another thing to actually walk out. What we want to do and what we do often just don’t line up. Grow our desire to honor you in all our actions until they are stronger than our need to “feed” our selfish desires. Increase our love for you until it is our greatest desire to bring glory to you in all that we do. Open our eyes to places in our lives that we are loving ourselves or other things more than we are loving you. Walk us through the process of ordering our lives to put you as our highest love and priority.
Lord, we know that the context in which Paul wrote this was to encourage the Corinthians not to let their actions cause others to stumble. We thank you for the freedoms that you have given us. You have told each of us to work out our salvation with you. Lord, we do ask that you would help each of us define what it is you are saying is ok for us and what you are asking each of us to say no to. Just because something isn’t a sin, doesn’t mean that you want us to allow it in our lives. We want to walk in obedience to all that you ask. If you want our standards to be higher than the “minimum” we want to say yes. And if we are around people whose standards are higher than ours in any area, help us be willing to adjust our standards to meet theirs so that we don’t cause them to stumble. We want to love you and our brothers/sisters enough to lay down our rights for their good. For it is in that place that we die to our selfishness and our rights that you get the most glory. We want to live humble lives and put the good of others above our own good. Transform us so that everything we do is all about bringing you glory.
In Jesus name, amen.
