September 19, 2022 - Luke 12:6-7
““What is the value of your soul to God? Could your worth be defined by any amount of money? God doesn’t abandon or forget even the small sparrow he has made. How then could he forget or abandon you? What about the seemingly minor issues of your life? Do they matter to God? Of course they do! So you never need to worry, for you are more valuable to God than anything else in this world.” Luke 12:6-7 TPT
Lord, what a beautiful verse to ponder. We thank you for how you value us. If something’s value is determined by the price that someone is willing to pay to purchase that item, then what does it say about us? You paid so much to “purchase” our freedom and restore our relationship with you to the way you created it to be. When we look at all you paid, it is so hard to fathom that you consider each of us to be that valuable. It is so easy for me to look at myself and see all that is wrong and how much I mess up. I know that I am not worthy of your love and acceptance, but to you count me valuable enough that you paid such a high price for me anyhow. There is not enough money, precious metals, or jewels in all the earth to equal the price that you paid for each of us. We are so grateful for how much you value us.
Lord, we praise you that just like we care for and protect our most valuable possessions, you care for us in the same manner. You paid too high of a price for us to forget about us and leave us on our own. You see everything that happens in our lives. We might have to live with the consequences that sin has caused in our world, and bad things will happen in our lives. But those bad things don’t reflect how you love us. You are always with us. You will help us get through all that we face. You are always good to us, for we are more valuable to you than anything else in this world! We praise you for how you love and value us.
In Jesus name, amen.
