September 18, 2022 - Romans 5:9b
And because of the sacrifice of Jesus, you will never experience the wrath of God.” Romans 5:9b TPT
Jesus, what an amazing sacrifice that you made for us. When we think about the huge sacrifice that you made for us, dying on the cross we are so grateful. But, there was so much more than just the cross. Look at all you gave up in Heaven to come to earth as a mere human. You lived in a place that was perfect. A place where you are worshiped and adored all the time. It is a place where when you speak everything listens and obeys. You live there in perfect unity with the Father and Holy Spirit. I would imagine leaving their tangible presence and separating yourself physically from them, was probably your biggest sacrifice. Then your perfect plan had you come to earth as a helpless human. You, the majestic God-over-all, chose to live fully as a human. You experienced the pain, trials, and challenges we face. You didn’t demand to be served as you deserved but lived a humble life and served us. You know the pain of loss and betrayal. Then you, with no sin, took on the sin of the whole world and sacrificed yourself so that our debt could be paid. In that act of taking on our sin, once again you were separated, even more so from the unity you had with God. Oh, the pain that you must have felt in that moment.
We praise you that the story doesn’t end there! Hallelujah. How wonderful that we get all eternity to praise you for all that you did for us. Even with eternity we will not be able to praise you enough to even the scales for all that you did for us. We praise you that you overcame sin and the grave. You rose above them and were restored back to your place in Heaven. We don’t have to experience the wrath we deserve because of what you did for us. All praise to you for all eternity!
In Jesus name, amen.
