September 15, 2023 - Romans 8:5-6
“Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.” Romans 8:5-6 NIV
Holy Spirit, we invite you to govern our minds and hearts. Show us any thoughts or desires that are not of you and are leading us towards death. Open our eyes to see them the way that you see them. Forgive us for any area where we have our minds set on fleshly desires. Help us uproot them and completely remove them from our lives once and for all.
We also surrender those areas that we feel like we just cannot overcome. The areas that we want so much to change, but always seem to end up right back there, doing it again. Lord, we give them to you again and acknowledge that you are big enough in us to overcome them. Holy Spirit, we can’t overcome alone, be the strength that helps us overcome. If there is any part of us that likes the behavior, help turn that like into hatred. Change us. Give us strategy and wisdom on anything we need to do in our lives that would be the key to overcoming. Show us how to bring it into the light so it doesn’t have power over us and how to get accountability with it.
Holy Spirit, set our minds on what you desire. Draw us closer to you. Help us to allow our hearts and minds to be governed by your Spirit. Let peace and rest shine out of us and make us look so different to the world around us. Let us draw others into a new level of righteousness. We thank you, Father, that we get to live in such sweet communion with you.
In Jesus name, amen.

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