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September 13, 2023 - Numbers‬ ‭14:24

“But my servant Caleb has a different attitude than the others have. He has remained loyal to me, so I will bring him into the land he explored. His descendants will possess their full share of that land.” Numbers 14:24 NLT

Lord, help us to have a faith filled attitude like Caleb had. We want to be people who see the situations in front of us through your eyes. If you call us to move forward, we want to move forward with you regardless of the giants that we see before us. Never let us say we can’t do something you ask of us because it looks too impossible.

Holy Spirit, help us to always have the right attitude. We don’t want our attitude to be like the attitudes of the people in the world around us. We want our attitudes to stand out and look different. We want to be people who live out of a place of peace and rest. We want to be known for having such authentic joy even when life “throws us lemons”.

Jesus, help us always be loyal to you. Help us put your wants and desires above our own wants and desires. Help us be people that see holiness as a standard that we are committed to live up to. Help us be people who are determined to see others through your eyes and not through their issues and failures. Help us learn to love others the way you love us and be willing to lay aside our selfishness to serve them as you would. Help us learn to be people who are quick to offer forgiveness and not hold grudges.

Lord, we thank you that as we are loyal to you and have the right attitudes, you will bring us and our descendants into our promised lands. We want to live our lives in a way that we can fully embrace all blessings that you have for us and our descendants. Holy Spirit, we commit to that today and ask that you would help us walk it out.

In Jesus name, amen.

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Colleen Crawford has served full time with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) since 1995. She served with YWAM Orlando for over 20 years. Since then, has been serving all over the world with YWAM Ships. She has a deep love for... 

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