September 10, 2024 - Galatians 6:4-5
“Pay careful attention to your own work, for then you will get the satisfaction of a job well done, and you won’t need to compare yourself to anyone else. For we are each responsible for our own conduct.” Galatians 6:4-5 NLT
Lord, how easy and natural it is for us to compare ourselves with others. It is such a tactic of the enemy to keep us from being all you have created us to be. It can cause us to justify negative behavior. It can cause us to feel less than or to rise up in pride if we are feeling like we are doing better than others. Help us learn how to not try to live up to other expectations. Set us free from that. Help us learn to only accept who you say that we are. Help us live for you and you alone. We want to give our all for you and live to please you, but not in an effort to earn your love. That will only lead to failure and burnout. We don’t have to earn your love. We want to work wholeheartedly for you and to bring you honor, but in a healthy way.
Lord, we also ask for you to help us not to judge others by our own standard. What you are asking of others and where they are in their journey with you will be different than what it is for us. Help us to see others through your eyes and to treat them the way you treat them. Help us love people the way you love them and represent you to the world around us well.
In Jesus name, amen.