October 8, 2023 - Mark 9:23
““What do you mean, ‘If I can’?” Jesus asked. “Anything is possible if a person believes.”” Mark 9:23 NLT
Lord, we thank you so much that nothing is impossible for you. Not only can you do the impossible, but you want to do the impossible for us and through us. How amazing is that! We thank you that you choosing to work on our behalf is not based on our performance, but it’s based on your unconditional love for us. Thank you for how you love us.
Lord, please forgive us for any unbelief in our life. Forgive us for any time that we have thought, “if you can”. Open our eyes to places that we are not believing that you can or will work in our lives. Show us any lies that we have bought into that are telling us that you won’t do something on our behalf, because we aren’t worth it or don’t deserve it. Forgive us for believing those lies and show us how to break them off our lives, so we can walk in your truth.
Lord, we thank you for the impossible things you are just waiting to do in our lives. Blow our minds and win the crazy impossible battles for us. Use us to do things that we never would have thought or imagined possible. We want to be known by you as people who will believe you for anything. People of great faith. Grow our faith and belief in you a little more each day. Give us the strength to step out of our comfort zone trusting in you to help us step out of the boat and walk on water today.
In Jesus name, amen.
