October 30, 2023 - Psalms 34:8
“Taste and see that the Lord is good. Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!” Psalms 34:8 NLT
Lord, we have tasted, and we know that you are good. We thank you for your goodness to us. The way you love us is astounding. We are endlessly blessed by you.
We want to feast on your goodness every day of our lives. Help us continually take the time to sit at your table. We never want to be satisfied living off a meal from days ago. Why would we choose to go hungry and starve ourselves when you have a daily feast set out for us. But that is so often what we do. It is so easy to let the busyness of life push you out of the way. Forgive us for how we do that. Help us learn to make you a priority. We want to taste the goodness you have set out for us each day.
Teach us how to press in and find you in those seasons where it seems harder. We want to learn to always live in your refuge. We don’t want to be people who run around doing our own thing and just run back to you when we are in trouble. We want to live our life in constant communion with you in every season of life. We want to live a life that is always full of your joy, strength, and wisdom. Help us learn to live our lives in a beautiful relationship with you. We want to be in constant communication with you. We want to know your heartbeat. We want to know you so well that we learn to anticipate what you are going to do. We want to know you to the point that we have no issue knowing and following your voice. Draw us in and help us grow in you. I believe that starts with us taking the time to taste of you daily. So let that be how we live our lives.
In Jesus name, amen.
