October 3, 2022 - Acts 5:42
“And not for a single day, either in the Temple court or in private homes, did they stop teaching and proclaiming the Good News that Yeshua is the Messiah.” Acts 5:42 CJB
Lord, we know your greatest desire is to see everyone that you created become all that you created them to be, and for them spend eternity being blessed in your presence. We owe you so much for your salvation and your love. We don’t just want to surrender our heart to you and go about our lives as normal. We want to fully surrender our lives to your Lordship. We want to live for you. We want to do all that we can to make the desires of your heart become a reality. Help us make the commission that you gave us a priority in our lives. Increase our heart for the lost and give us a passion for them like you have.
Lord, you are worthy to receive every tongue from every language in every people group worshiping you. Don’t let us get to heaven and suddenly realize just how wrong we had our priorities here on earth. We want to be able to rejoice in knowing that we did what you asked of us and proclaimed your name to the ends of the earth. This verse in Acts talks about how your followers proclaimed your Good News everyday wherever they went. Your presence was a spring within them bubbling out. They could not contain it. They had such a love for you. The more they loved you the more you filled them with your heart. And your heart is for people. You long to have a relationship with everyone.
Holy Spirit, fill us with more of your Spirit. Transform our hearts until we love like you love. Transform our eyes so that we see the world like you see it. Give us your understanding to know what really is important. Fill us until you bubble out onto everyone around us. Let us proclaim your name in words and actions wherever we go. For you are worthy to receive the reward of your suffering.
In Jesus name, amen.
