October 27, 2023 - James 1:12
“If your faith remains strong, even while surrounded by life’s difficulties, you will continue to experience the untold blessings of God! True happiness comes as you pass the test with faith, and receive the victorious crown of life promised to every lover of God!” James 1:12 TPT
God, we want to have strong faith in you. Grow it in us, so we can stand strong even when life is falling apart all around us. When I think of strong faith, I often think of Noah. We think that our world is falling apart, but how bad must things have been in his day for you to decide to flood the whole planet and start again. It is hard to imagine how bad things must have been. Yet even in that society, Noah was faithful to you. Then you asked him to do something that would have sounded absurd. Nevertheless, he stood in faith and did what you asked, even in the face of everyone’s mocking. Give us faith like Noah. Let us stand firm regardless of what it looks like around us or how much sense what you are saying makes.
Lord, we want to experience your untold blessings. Please continue to grow us into followers who live a lifestyle that has us in a position to do just that.
This verse says that true happiness comes with faith. Lord, as our faith increases let us live our lives in your happiness. Let us always overflow with your joy. Let us bring your sunshine with us everywhere we go. Draw people to you through us. Let them easily see something in us that is so different from the world around us. We thank you for the wonderful life that you have planned for us both here on earth and into all eternity. It is such an honor to walk with you through this life.
In Jesus name, amen.
