October 26, 2022 - Deuteronomy 34:7
“Moses was 120 years old when he died, yet his eyesight was clear, and he was as strong as ever.” Deuteronomy 34:7 NLT
Lord, in our world today, people don’t really live to be 120. Those who do make it to 100, or more, are not described as being as strong as ever with clear eyesight. Most people today will start to have troubles with their eyesight around their forties. How easily we accept this and the other ailments that come with aging. Yet, this verse shows us that you can be in the business of keeping our bodies youthful. I would guess that Moses didn’t look young, but his body functioned like it was young. This youthfulness wasn’t a “fountain of youth” experience to feed vain desires to live without wrinkles or gray hair. This was about him being able to effectively walk in the calling you placed on his life. He had the strength, energy, and other health necessary to successfully lead your people as you had called him to do.
Lord, we want to be able to run this race with the strength and energy of youth. We declare youthfulness over us, not for vain reasons, but so that we can serve you more effectively. We ask for perfectly clear eyesight until the moment you take us home. We ask for strong and flexible joints and muscles all the days of our lives. We ask that all our systems and organs would function just like you created them to function. Lord, as we ask this, we also realize that we are responsible for our bodies. If they are having issues because of bad habits, bad diets, or our lack of exercise on our part, convict us of this. Help us have the desire, drive, and endurance to change our habits to treat this body that you gave us with honor and respect. Help us do our part and we ask that when we do, you would do the same for us as you did for Moses. If you did it for Moses, you can do it for us!
In Jesus name, amen.
