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October 25, 2024 - Psalms‬ ‭38‬:‭12‬-‭15

“Meanwhile, my enemies lay traps to kill me. Those who wish me harm make plans to ruin me. All day long they plan their treachery. But I am deaf to all their threats. I am silent before them as one who cannot speak. I choose to hear nothing, and I make no reply. For I am waiting for you, O Lord. You must answer for me, O Lord my God.” Psalms 38:12-15 NLT


Oh, Lord, make us deaf to the things that threaten us each day. Silence the lies that the enemy tries to manipulate us with. Open our eyes to see them as lies that hold no power over us. When others speak things over our lives that don’t line up to your truth, make us deaf to it. Let it be like water that slides off the duck’s back. Teach us how to be patient and silent when attacking or accusing words come at us. Help us to trust you as our defender and not make a bigger mess of things trying to defend ourselves. We want to be able to proclaim, like David in this verse, that we are waiting on you, our Lord.


But waiting on you can be so hard. Help us learn to fully trust you, your timing, and your ways. We know that you will come through for us. You fully have our backs in every situation. We praise you, Lord, for how good you are to us. We praise you that you have such a wonderful way of working everything out for our good. Even when it is our disobedience and lack of trust that often gets us in trouble, you have a way of cleaning up our messes and making something good. Even though we live in a fallen world, and we sometimes find ourselves in places of pain and injustice, you are a wonderful God that will bring restoration where needed. We praise you for how you pursue us and even when we want nothing to do with you, you don’t give up on us. You are such an amazing God, and we praise you for your goodness.


In Jesus name, amen.



About Colleen


Colleen Crawford has served full time with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) since 1995. She served with YWAM Orlando for over 20 years. Since then, has been serving all over the world with YWAM Ships. She has a deep love for... 

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The heart behind these daily prayers is to put God’s word into action - to pray out and release the power it contains. 


There is so much power in the Bible – the Word of God. 


“In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God.” (John 1:1 NLT) 


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