October 25, 2022 - James 3:18
“And those who are peacemakers will plant seeds of peace and reap a harvest of righteousness.” James 3:18 NLT
Lord, please teach us what it really means to be a peacemaker. We want to be known as people who bring a calming peace into every situation instead of stress or chaos. Even when life turns crazy around us, and we have no idea what is happening or what to do, help us to have our faith and trust so deeply rooted in you that we don’t become frazzled or panicked. When we see ourselves starting to become stressed or getting all worked up over a situation, help us take a moment to stop and pray. In those moments we want to turn the stress over to you and breathe in your presence. We want to walk away resting in your peace again. Holy Spirit, we ask that you would be quick to remind us to do that. I think of David and Goliath. David didn’t freak out like everyone else about Goliath. While tending his sheep, you taught him to trust in you and fight. His foes started smaller and worked their way up to Goliath. Lord, we thank you that you teach us to put our faith and trust in you in the smaller things and grow our trials as we are ready. Help us to press in and learn that no matter what we face we can have peace. Lord, we thank you that the trials that we face serve a purpose. They grow us and strengthen us. They allow us to be an example of your peace and faithfulness to others.
Lord, we also ask that you give us wisdom in how to bring peace into other people’s situations. We want to have the wisdom to know what each tense situation needs to bring peace. As an example, adding water to an oil fire will cause it to explode instead of putting it out. Give us your insight to understand what is “burning under the fire” to know exactly what to do to diffuse it. Let us walk in your wisdom and sow seeds of peace that reap a righteous life.
In Jesus name, amen.
