October 23, 2024 - Ephesians 6:20
“I am in chains now, still preaching this message as God’s ambassador. So pray that I will keep on speaking boldly for him, as I should.” Ephesians 6:20 NLT
Lord, I am always so inspired by Paul and his devotion to you and your calling on his life. He gave so much for you and if anyone had reason to complain or quit, it was him. But we find again in this verse even as he is in chains for walking in obedience to what you asked, he doesn’t let that stop him. We don’t find him in the middle of a pity party or complaining to you about his circumstances. No, we find him continuing in his calling despite his very unfortunate situation. We know it could not be an easy thing, but he made a conscious decision to keep his eyes on you and his mission. We see him asking for prayer here that he would remain bold in sharing your name. He didn’t want to let fear of his circumstances keep him from proclaiming your name.
Wow, Lord, there is so much we can learn from just this verse. Grow us to be more like Paul. Help us to keep you and walking in obedience to you our highest priority even when it will cost us. Help us to keep our eyes focused on you and our attitudes bringing you glory regardless of our circumstances. When we need help, let us reach out and ask you to give us strength. Help us to always bring glory to you in any situation.
In Jesus name, amen.
