October 22, 2022 - James 3:13
“If you are wise and understand God’s ways, prove it by living an honorable life, doing good works with the humility that comes from wisdom.” James 3:13 NLT
Lord, we want to be wise and understand your ways. Open our minds and hearts to do just that. We ask for more wisdom, insight and understanding into who you are and your ways. Increase in us the desire to seek you out above all the non-important things that pull at our time. We also ask that you teach us how to live an honorable life. Remind us not to look at the world around us, or even other Christians, to measure our actions. Jesus, you are our measuring stick. We want to live an honorable life in your eyes. We want to live a righteous life. We want all that we do to bring glory to your name. When we do mess up, help us to walk humbly and quickly ask forgiveness and make things right. Lord, that really isn’t too easy to do. Open our eyes to places where we need to do just that. Give us the strength to overcome our pride and walk humbly. Give us a hatred for allowing pride to stay in our lives.
Lord, we don’t just want to walk humbly when we need to confess that we have done something wrong, but we want our every action and thought to be birthed out of humility. Help us not to need our actions to be seen or acknowledged to be important. Let us choose to do the righteous thing for you, and you alone. Show us places in our lives where we are getting our value from others’ opinions of us. Show us where pride is our motivation to do or not do something. Lord, we want to grow in the wisdom that comes with walking humbly. Be our audience of one. Help us to do things to the best of our ability even if no one is looking but you. Teach us what it means to walk in true humility in all that we do. For you deserve all the glory and not us.
In Jesus name, amen.