October 20, 2023 - Psalms 19:1
“God’s splendor is a tale that is told, written in the stars. Space itself speaks his story through the marvels of the heavens. His truth is on tour in the starry vault of the sky, showing his skill in creation’s craftsmanship.” Psalms 19:1 TPT
Father, your splendor is written in the stars. Looking at them, how can we not feel your grandness? How seemingly insignificant are we compared to you and the universe? Yet, you see us, and you count us as significant. You never cease to amaze us.
We thank you for the ways you surround us with your splendor. We see it in the sunrise and sunset. We see it when a baby takes its first breath. We see it in the flowers that bloom. In the power of the ocean waves, but also in the peace that the ocean can bring. We see it in the majesty of the mountain peaks. In the beauty of the forest and the calmness of the meadows. We see it in the colors that you paint in creation all around us. We see it in the detail you put into creating the microscopic things we can’t even see with our eyes. We see it when the hummingbird hovers. We see it when a whale breaches. We see it in the rainbow after the rain. We see it when humans decide to sacrifice of themselves to help one another. You have shown off your craftsmanship all around us.
Lord, open our eyes more to notice you all around us. Don’t let us take your creation for granted. We also ask for you to open the eyes of the lost and allow them to discover the creator as they look at his creation. Put the questions in their heart that makes them dig deeper and search you out. Let the heavens and earth declare to them the splendor of who you really are.
In Jesus name, amen.
