October 12, 2024 - Ephesians 3:7
“By God’s grace and mighty power, I have been given the privilege of serving him by spreading this Good News.” Ephesians 3:7 NLT
Lord, we praise you for the grace and power you have given us access to. We are not walking this journey with you in our own strength, but you give us everything we need to succeed. Thank you for how you love and care for us. Help us to recognize how much you do for us each day. Help us to be thankful for your many blessings. It truly is an honor and a privilege to serve you. Help us get our perspectives in the right order. We want to value what is truly valuable. We want to understand the importance of sharing your wonders with those who do not know you.
Lord, when we get to heaven and see your face, what are the things in our life here that we would have wished we did differently. Please don’t let us get there with regrets when it is too late to change them. Show us now how to prioritize our life correctly. Do we focus too much of our lives and our resources on ourselves and our pleasures? We don’t want anyone to spend an eternity in hell when our time, attention, or resources could have led them to your saving grace. Help us see spreading the Good News as a higher priority in our lives than our own comfort. Help us see the lost through your eyes. Give us your heart for them. Help us see spreading the good news as the honor and privilege that it is. Help us be willing to make the sacrifices necessary to see you glorified through every area of our lives. You are worthy of all glory, and we want our lives to be like a lighthouse on a hill that leads others to you.
In Jesus name, amen.
