October 10, 2023 - Hebrews 8:10
“...I will embed my laws within their thoughts and fasten them onto their hearts. I will be their loyal God and they will be my loyal people.” Hebrews 8:10 TPT
Lord, we thank you for this covenant. We thank you for your kingdom laws and principles. They are there to keep us safe and in your presence. We ask for you to embed your laws within our thoughts. Help us to guard our minds and keep our thoughts honoring you. Help us to learn your words and memorize your truths, so when we encounter lies, we instantly recognize them as lies. Help us remove and replace our thoughts that don’t line up to yours. Give us spiritual insights that goes beyond what we can understand in the natural.
We also ask that you put your laws deep in our hearts. Help us to fall in love with them. We want them to become a part of who we are. Branded into our heart where they will flow out into every part of who we are and what we do.
Lord, we thank you so much for your loyalty to us. You are always there for us. You will not walk away. Your promises are always faithful. Your love for us is everlasting and endures whatever it takes to reach us. Even when we are not faithful or attentive to you, you are faithful and attentive to us. You are such an amazing God. Help us learn to be loyal to you the way you are loyal to us. We want people around us to look at us and see something very different about us. We want to stand out as loyal followers of you. Help us walk that out even when it isn’t easy or cool. Forgive us for the times when we have tried to hide you away, so we can blend into the world around us. Change us so we always desire to fully shine for you.
In Jesus name, amen.
