November 8, 2024 - Psalms 101:3
“I will not put anything wicked in front of my eyes. I hate what unfaithful people do. I want no part of it.” Psalms 101:3 GW
Lord, we want to be the kind of people that this Bible verse is true of. It can become so easy in our world, to naturally become like it. Our society slowly places things in front of us, on TV, in ads, on social media, all around us really, that slowly become normal and acceptable. Things that would have shocked society 50 years ago and been considered wildly inappropriate, are easily accepted even by Christians. Even if we say we don’t agree with or would not participate in that behavior, we find ourselves not thinking much about it being all around us.
Lord, forgive us for how we have become accustomed and accepting of the sin all around us. Forgive us for not refusing to look at things that you find vile and vulgar. Forgive us for thinking it doesn’t really affect us or our Spirits. Lord, we want more of you in our lives. We want to have a clean and holy temple that you can fully reside in. Show us the places where we have allowed the culture of our world to infiltrate our lives. Where have we turned a blind eye to things you see as evil? Where have we made compromises and made a deal with our crooked culture to accept what it is selling? Help us rid our lives of these things. Show us how to live in our world in a way that fully brings honor to you. Teach us how to refuse to have anything to do with things that are vile, vulgar, or evil. Show us how to be your light that lights up the darkness around us and never invites that darkness into our lives. Jesus, wash us clean and make us like pure white snow.
In Jesus name, amen.
