November 6, 2024 - 1 Corinthians 1:2
“I am writing to God’s church in Corinth, to you who have been called by God to be his own holy people. He made you holy by means of Christ Jesus, just as he did for all people everywhere who call on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, their Lord and ours.” 1 Corinthians 1:2 NLT
Jesus, we are so grateful for the price that you paid to make us holy. Thank you for your amazing love for us. It is such an honor to be called by you. We praise you for how you pursue us. There is a part of you that is reserved for each person ever created. That place longs for us to come to you. It calls out to us, beckoning us into a relationship with you. You are holy and for us to be able to approach you, we must be made holy. We can’t even comprehend what you laid down and endured to pay for our sins. Your blood washes them away and makes us holy. We will spend all eternity praising you for who you are and what you did for us.
Jesus, show us how to love you the way you love us. We know you have a deep longing for each and every person to know you. You gave us the task to make your name known among the nations. One way that we can love you is to do what you have asked of us in this area. We can spread your name among the lost. We can live in a way that we are a living example of you here on earth. Holy Spirit, lead us in this. Help us walk in holiness and live like Jesus lived. Open our eyes to see the lost like you do and lead us in helping you draw them to you. Help us bring your glory to earth and make your name known.
In Jesus name, amen.
