November 4, 2024 - Psalms 119:100-102
“You have graced me with more insight than the old sages because I have not failed to walk in the light of your ways. I refused to bend my morals when temptation was before me so that I could become obedient to your Word. I refuse to turn away from difficult truths, for you yourself have taught me to love your words.” Psalms 119:100-102 TPT
Lord, we praise you for your many blessings in our lives. We praise you for how you love to grace us with your insights. We want to open our eyes to the secrets of your kingdom. Help us to walk in the light of your ways. We want to run to you and pursue you. We want to be able to rightfully declare that we have not failed to walk in the light of your ways. Show us the places in our lives that need to change for that statement to be true. We give you permission to do your work in us and mold us to be more like you. Grow our strength and resolve so that we can stand strong and refuse to bend our morals and yield to temptation. Give us a greater desire to dig into your Word and get to know it. If we don’t know what you are telling us, we can’t walk in obedience to it.
Lord, we want to walk in obedience to everything you ask of us and align our lives to your Word, even the parts that are hard to hear. Help us be willing to make sacrifices and look different from the world around us if it is required to walk in obedience to what you tell us. Show us any places where we have made compromises in our lives to what your Word says, that maybe are so normal in our world that we haven’t even realized it. Please forgive us and help us change it. We want to love your Words and your ways no matter how difficult they might be to walk in. We declare that you are worth any and every sacrifice we might need to make.
In Jesus name, amen.
