November 30, 2022 - Psalms 27:4
“The one thing I ask of the LORD—the thing I seek most—is to live in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, delighting in the LORD’s perfections and meditating in his Temple.” Psalms 27:4 NLT
Lord, this is truly the cry of our hearts! We long to know you more. You are the thing that we want more than anything else. You are the greatest treasure we could ever obtain. Lord, we don’t just want this to be something that we say and want to be true in our lives. It is something we want to be true and evident in every area of our lives. When so many things are pulling on our time, if you are the most valuable thing to us, we will find the time to spend with you. We will give who we are to you. When you ask us for something, our answer will always be yes. We would choose not to do things that grieve your heart. Do we take the time to seek you out and dig in your word for more insight into who you are? Help us to take the time to see if these things, and other like things, are the reality in our lives. Open our eyes to the truth and if it isn’t lining up with you being our number one priority, then help us reprioritize our lives so that you are our highest priority. Increase the desire with us to find more of you and truly make you the most sought-after thing in our life. We want to spend time delighting in all your perfections. We want to regularly take the time to meditate on who you are.
Teach us what we need to change so that we can dwell in your house with you. Lord, purify us. Draw us deeper into righteousness and holiness. We want to encounter all your presence that is accessible to us. We don’t want to allow anything in our lives that will hold us back from that. We don’t want our actions to limit what is available to us. We want everything in our lives to invite you in. We want more of you, our Lord.
In Jesus name, amen.
