November 24, 2022 - Isaiah 12:4-5
“In that wonderful day you will sing: “Thank the LORD! Praise his name! Tell the nations what he has done. Let them know how mighty he is! Sing to the LORD, for he has done wonderful things. Make known his praise around the world.”” Isaiah 12:4-5 NLT
Lord, we have so many reasons to sing your praises. You are so amazing to us. We want to shout about your glorious name to the nations. We want everyone to know about the great things that you have done. We are so grateful for how you love and care for us. We are grateful for how you provide for our needs. We are grateful for friends and family that we can walk together with throughout life. We are grateful for the sacrifice that you made so that we could be set free. We are grateful that we can spend all eternity with you in heaven. We are grateful that you call us a friend and that you want to fellowship with us. We are grateful for your grace and forgiveness that comes again and again. You are a remarkable God. It is heartbreaking that the whole world doesn’t know you or understand your love for them. We know it is your heart’s cry for all people to know you. We want to give you the gift of telling the world about your amazing deeds and faithfulness.
We come before you on this Thanksgiving Day with hearts that are full of gratitude. It is nice to have a day in which we are extra intentional about thanking you, but Lord, we don’t want to only focus one day a year on all that we are grateful for. Teach us how to have a grateful heart all the time. We want to live in a grateful state. Help us be more intentional about thanking you for all your blessings in our lives, both big and small. Continue to open our eyes to see your hand in at work in every area of our lives. Help us find the blessings even in the hard moments. For you are worthy of all our praise.
In Jesus name, amen.
