November 21, 2024 - Psalms 37:39
“The salvation of the righteous comes from the Lord; he is their stronghold in time of trouble.” Psalms 37:39 NIV
We praise you our Lord for how you are always there for us. You are our salvation. We would truly be doomed without you. We cry out for your salvation. You are the very breath in our lungs. You are the source of life. Without you we would cease to exist. There is not one living thing that doesn’t have its life because of you. Everything, the seen and the unseen, was created by you and relies on you for its existence. Even those that deny your existence are relying on you every second of their life. What amazing love and grace you give that even those that deny or live to slander you, are being allowed existence. Lord, let that not be us. We recognize our desperate need of you. Not just to exist, but to live in a way that honors you. We need you for any chance of living a rewarding life.
Come and fill us with your presence. Save us again and again. There is not a minute that passes that our enemy isn’t out to destroy us. There is not a day that passes that we don’t make a decision that could easily bring destruction into our lives. Where would we be without your love, grace, forgiveness, and salvation? We praise you. You are our stronghold that we can cling to. You are our strength and our joy. You are truly our everything. We come to you again today and surrender our all to you. You are worthy, worthy, worthy. Thank you for the way you love and care for us. You are such an amazing God. What an honor it is to serve you.
In Jesus name, amen.
