November 20, 2023 - 1 Chronicles 29:13-1
Lord, we praise you! Your name truly is glorious. It shines brighter than anything else. You are light. It radiates from you. You are love. Everything good comes from you. You deserve all the praise. Heaven and earth praise your name. One day, every knee will bow, and every tongue will confess that you are God. We lay our lives before you and surrender all to you. As this verse says, it is all because of you. Without you, we would have nothing. We would not even exist.
We throw our lives at your feet. Do with us, and anything we possess, as you please. You are worthy. We willingly give up anything we have for your name’s sake. Help us realize that this life here on earth is only for a second compared to all eternity. Sometimes, we can get so wrapped up in the stuff of this world and what we want here that we forget that this world is only to prepare us for the next one. Show us where our priorities are not in the correct order. We don’t want to look back from heaven and wish that we would have gotten things right here. We never want to put pride, greed, selfishness, etc. over our desire for more of you or what you are asking of us. Help us die to those things and live for you and you alone.
In Jesus name, amen.
