November 16, 2023 - Romans 12:17-18
“Never pay back evil with more evil. Do things in such a way that everyone can see you are honorable. Do all that you can to live in peace with everyone.” Romans 12:17-18 NLT
Lord, doing all that we can do to live in peace with everyone certainly isn’t an easy task. It is impossible in our own strength. There will be people in our lives who push our buttons and others that it will seem we can never please. It is so easy to get frustrated or hurt and allow those emotions to determine how I respond to them. Even though we can't control other people's actions, we can control ours. We can do all that we can to bring your peace into every situation.
Lord, we want to be people who walk in patience and love. We want to forgive others the way you forgive us. We want to extend grace and mercy the way you do for us. We want people to watch our responses and behaviors and see you, Jesus. Help us learn to respond like you when we get mad, hurt, or upset at something other people have done. Help us be quick to apologize when it is needed. Teach us how to let things roll off our backs and let go of them when needed. Teach us how to live unoffendable lives. Teach us how to offer love and forgiveness when it is the last thing we feel like doing.
Lord, help us die to our selfishness and pride that wants to get our way. Help us die to the need to prove that we were right or pay others back for what they have done to us. Show us how to be people of peace. Even though we can’t control how others react, always let our responses be pleasing to you and bring you glory. Purify us and grow our ability to reflect you to the world.
In Jesus name, amen.
