November 15, 2024 - Deuteronomy 15:12, 16-17
“If a fellow Hebrew sells himself or herself to be your servant and serves you for six years, in the seventh year you must set that servant free. “But suppose your servant says, ‘I will not leave you,’ because he loves you and your family, and he has done well with you. In that case, take an awl and push it through his earlobe into the door. After that, he will be your servant for life. And do the same for your female servants.” Deuteronomy 15:12, 16-17 NLT
Lord, we are grateful to be your servants. You are the greatest, most loving master we could ever wish for. There is no better way we could ever spend our life than in your service. We don’t serve you out of an obligation, but out of love for you. We want to come to you today and say, “I will not leave you. I love you and willingly commit my life to your service. Use me as you wish.” Just like the servants in this passage were marked in a way that everyone knew that they willingly gave their life to their master, mark us for you. We want to proclaim to the world that we belong to you. We willingly give our whole life to you. Here we are, use us however you want. Help us to always be willing to go and do whatever you ask of us. Let nothing be too great of a sacrifice to surrender to do your will. Let no fear hold us back from obedience to your will. Don’t let any other person’s opinion ever stop us from living in a way that fully embraces doing what you desire of us. You are worthy of our service. Our lives belong to you. You are the greatest Master we could ever serve. Nothing and no one else begin to compare to you. We commit our lives 100% to you, oh Lord, our God and King.
In Jesus name, amen.
