November 12, 2023 - Luke 1:34 “Mary asked the angel, “But how can this happen? I am a virgin.”” L
“Mary asked the angel, “But how can this happen? I am a virgin.”” Luke 1:34 NLT
Lord, thank you that you are not scared by our questions. When we don’t understand and we ask questions, you don’t give up on us. Your patience with us is so astounding. Your greatest promises for us are wrapped in the “how” moments. If it is possible for us to do, then we don’t need you. The bigger the “how” - the more impossible it is - the bigger the miracle it will take. Thank you for the moments in our life when we must ask you “how”.
Lord, we ask for you to teach us in those “how” moments, to move past the “how” into trusting you to make it possible. Thank you that you’re not disappointed when we have a moment of doubt. If we didn’t doubt, we wouldn’t need faith. It is the wrestling with the doubt that our faith is strengthened and grows. We never want to turn and run from you because of fear or doubt. In those moments when we are standing at the edge of the Red Sea, have been told to build the ark, or like Mary have been told you are going to do something through us that no one will believe is from you, help us wrestle our “how” into a “Yes, Lord”. Let our “how” be motivated out of a need for instructions to move forward in your plan and not out of lack of faith. Grow our faith and our willingness to say yes even in the impossible. Give us “how” moments to stretch our faith, so that it can mature.
Thank you, Lord, for your faithfulness to us. Thank you that when you call us into the impossible that you are there walking us through every detail. Thank you for growing our faith. Lord, we are your willing servants, and we say, "Yes, Lord".
In Jesus name, amen.
