November 11, 2023 - Luke 1:30
““Don’t be afraid, Mary,” the angel told her, “for you have found favor with God!” Luke 1:30 NLT
Lord, Mary found so much favor with you that you entrusted her with your son. You picked her out of all the women on earth to raise him. What an honor, but also, what a big responsibility. She said, “yes”, and walked in obedience to you even when the task was huge. It sounded impossible and could have cost her her marriage to Joseph. I am sure that it did cost her her reputation and respect among her community. Then comes the task of raising your son. Most new moms experience fear about being a good mom and raising their child right, but how much more would she have faced knowing she was raising the son of God. Yet, she still said, “yes”.
Make us more like Mary. Help us be willing to walk into obedience to anything you ask of us. We want to be willing to get out of our comfort zone, overcome our fears, and say, “yes” even if what you are asking is humanly impossible, even when we must lay aside our reputation and get over what other people will say or think, and even when it means that we must surrender our plans. Lord, even in all those circumstances, we want to always say, “yes” to you.
Holy Spirit, teach us more and more everyday how to live a life that is pleasing to God. Grow our faith and help us be faithful to you. Show us how to love you wholeheartedly. Help us be deeply rooted in you so when temptation comes and the storms of life blow hard, we won’t be moved and will stand firm in you. Help us bear much fruit. Let us live our lives in such a way that you can trust us with your most valuable plans and possessions.
In Jesus name, amen.
