November 1, 2023 - Romans 12:19
“Beloved, don’t be obsessed with taking revenge, but leave that to God’s righteous justice. For the Scriptures say: “Vengeance is mine, and I will repay,” says the Lord.” Romans 12:19 TPT
Lord, we thank you that you always have our backs. When we are mistreated by others you see it and you ask that we put it in your hands. Here we find another way that your kingdom works so differently than our world. Help us learn how to live by this kingdom principle. Help us learn to forgive and put our hurts in your hands. It is so easy to hold grudges, speak bad about others, and try to pay people back for what they have done to us. Help us recognize when we are doing this. Help us walk in forgiveness. Especially in those cases where forgiveness seems impossible to give. Holy Spirit, we also ask for you to give us the strength to live that out every day.
Show us how to let things go and trust you with them. You are a just God. You will see to it that in your timing justice is served where needed. We can trust you on that. You will work things out. If we allow, you will heal our hurts. We recognize that unforgiveness will turn into bitterness. Bitterness causes us to rot, not heal. In order to heal, we must forgive. Again, please help us.
Give us your heart for the people who have hurt us. Allow us to see them through your eyes. Give us insight into why they do what they do. Help us have patience for others like you have patience with us. Help us to offer forgiveness to others the way you offer it to us. Help us to love those who hurt us the way you love us, even when we cause you pain. Grow us in these areas, Lord, and open our eyes to the places where we need to forgive, love, and/or grow more.
In Jesus name, amen.
