May 7, 2022 - Psalms 95:1-3
“For the LORD is a great God, a great King above all gods. He holds in his hands the depths of the earth and the mightiest mountains. The sea belongs to him, for he made it. His hands formed the dry land, too.” Psalms 95:1-3 NLT
Lord, we are constantly amazed at the greatness of who you are and the astonishing beauty that you created for us to enjoy. You are such an incredible creator. The complexity and detail you create with is mind-blowing. There is so much diversity in your creation. We love how you created each of us so unique even in our simplicities. Daisies might all look like a daisy, but each one is original and not like the next. Each of us humans are in general the same in all our parts, but every aspect of those parts is made up of unique DNA and unique characteristics. It isn’t just found in the physical, but also in our personalities, our characters, our spirits. There is just so much diversity. You take the time to design everything you create individually. Each animal, each plant, each human, everything was all designed by you.
You hold all your creation in your hands. You are intimately aware of it all. Nothing gets overlooked. You own the earth and everything in it. You place every star in the sky and know the details of every universe. You can see the depths of the oceans and know the depths of our souls. What an amazing, creative, and caring God you are. We are so grateful to be a creation of such a masterful creator. By far the greatest creator who ever was and ever will be. Teach us how to honor you more as the creator. We want to see ourselves and all the other creations around us as the masterpieces that we are. Open our eyes to see you and your creation more clearly. Help us learn to trust you more. If you created everything, you certainly have it all under control. You will lovingly take care of all the details.
In Jesus name, amen.
