May 6, 2022 - 1 Thessalonians 5:23
“Now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Thessalonians 5:23 ESV
Jesus, you, the God over all, decided to come to earth as a feeble baby and lived a humble life among us. You came so that you could sacrifice yourself as a ransom for our lives. You made a way for us to be unified with you. What an amazingly beautiful display of love and grace. You forgave our sins and made a way for us to be adopted as a son or daughter of God. When we invite you in, you take up residence in us. You come in and heal us. You restore our broken messes and make us whole. You remove all our sins. You wipe us clean and make us as white as fresh snow.
Lord, help us really understand all that this verse means for our lives. We no longer need to live in bondage. We have been completely set free. It is already done. Period. We just need to learn how to walk in that freedom. We praise you for the freedom you bought for us. We praise you for the price you paid so that we could be made whole. We praise you for completely sanctifying us. Lord, we do want to have our whole spirit, soul, and body to be blameless before you all the days of our lives. Open our eyes to our sins. Give us an overwhelming disgust for them in our lives. Help us be so quick to run to you for forgiveness as soon as we recognize sin in our lives. Then help us be just as quick to do what we need to do to change that behavior. If we need to be radical in where we draw the “do not cross line” as to eliminate temptation from areas we struggle with, help us be strong enough to draw the line where it needs to be and not cross it. We want to do all we can to live blamelessly before you. We want to live lives that bring you glory in every area.
In Jesus name, amen.
