May 4, 2024 - 1 Chronicles 12:32
“From the tribe of Issachar, there were 200 leaders of the tribe with their relatives. All these men understood the signs of the times and knew the best course for Israel to take.” 1 Chronicles 12:32 NLT
Lord, we read here in this verse that you blessed the tribe of Issachar with discernment of the signs of the time and understanding of the best course to take. What an amazing blessing. Lord, we come before you today and ask that you would bless us with this as well. Give us the gift of your knowledge. We want to be able to see beyond the natural. Give us your discernment to know and understand your voice. Speak to us and tell us your secrets. There is so much going on in the world today. We know you are working in the background. Show us what you are doing. Show us the spiritual significance of what is happening in the natural. Give us your insight and discernment.
Lord, we ask for dreams and visions. We ask for clarity in hearing your leading and guiding. Always direct us on the best course, not just in our lives but also give us insight into your leading in our spheres of influence. No more wondering or hoping we are making the right decision, but we ask to walk in a profound knowledge of what your ways are for us. We praise you for wanting to pour this blessing out over our lives. We ask for you to mold us and prepare us to be ready for this blessing so that you can release it. We want to be ready to know how to recognize the blessing and walk in it in a way that will always bring you glory. We thank you for your many blessings. You are such an awesome God to serve!
In Jesus name, amen.
