May 30, 2023 - Matthew 5:8-9
“What bliss you experience when your heart is pure! For then your eyes will open to see more and more of God. How joyful you are when you make peace! For then you will be recognized as a true child of God.” Matthew 5:8-9 TPT
Lord, help us make our hearts pure. Turn up the heat when necessary to allow the impurities to be brought to the surface so we can let you deal with and remove them. We want to see more of you. We want to walk in true bliss. Help us not to hold onto things that would keep us from you. Open our eyes to impurities that we allow to stay and help us let them go.
Lord, let us be known as people of peace. When we see people and situations, help us to always be looking for ways to make them better. We don’t want to be the people who come into places with drama and cause strife. Show us how to live our lives in a way that when we enter a room peace comes with us. We want to usher your presence in and change the atmosphere. We want people to long to be around us because when we come into a place, you come too. We want more of you in us, and verse 8 says we see more of you if we have a pure heart. So, purify us.
Thank you that these things are possible. Thank you, Jesus, for dying for us so that we can be made whole, so that we can walk in your spirit and be made pure, so that we can live so wrapped in your presence that we can literally change the atmosphere of a room when we walk into it. You give us such wonderful gifts and we are so grateful for the sacrifice you made to make this possible. Jesus, you truly deserve anything we have to sacrifice to follow you. Let our lives be lived for you in a way so that they are a reward to you for your sacrifice.
In Jesus name, amen.
