May 18, 2022 - 2 Corinthians 2:14
“Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place.” 2 Corinthians 2:14 NKJV
Jesus, we thank you so much that through you we can always triumph. We praise you that when we follow closely after you, you will always lead us to victory. What a wonderful fact! We never have to lose if we are walking in your ways! Lord, I do know that what is defined as a win and a loss to us might be different for you. In your kingdom, you say the first will be last and the last will be first. You also tell us when we lose our life, we will actually save it. How many times in our lives do we think we have lost, and actually miss the true victory of the situation, because we can focus on what we think we have lost? Lord, teach us to view our circumstances the way you view them. Teach us how to walk in true victory with you even if it looks like everything around us is falling apart. You can make that possible and we want to live that way.
Lord, living in victory regardless of our circumstances is so opposite of our culture. It will definitely make us look different. We will become a fragrance of you to the world around us. It will be a pleasant fragrance that will draw people closer. We want our lives to be a witness of you to the lost. We want to bring the knowledge of you into the world all around us. Help us learn how to be a refreshing fragrance that is so different from the norm that people yearn for more. Let our lives be a breath of fresh air so that when people are around us, they feel they can breathe in deep. Let those that are seeking something different come to us to find out what is different about us. Jesus, we praise you that you will also naturally diffuse your fragrance through us when we follow your ways as you lead us forward. Make your path clear to us today.
In Jesus name, amen.
