May 17, 2022 - Genesis 13:14-15
“…the LORD said to Abram, “Now lift up your eyes from the place where you are, and look to the north and south and east and west, for all the land that you see, I will give to you and your offspring forever.” Genesis 13:14-15 BSB
Lord, we love how you love to give extravagantly. You brought Abram to this place and told him you would give him the land as far as he could see in every direction. It wasn’t just enough, but an abundance. And you were not just providing for him and his immediate family, but all his offspring forever. Wow. What a promise this was. Thank you that you are a God who loves to bless us in this manner. You always go above and beyond. We praise you for this quality of yours. What a blessing to serve such a generous God who loves to care for us.
We praise you that you love to dream big with us. You love to push us to dream bigger than we would on our own. Lord, please teach us how to dream big with you. Help us not to limit ourselves to something safe. We will never do anything great if we stay within the confines of what we can accomplish. If we truly want to see you use us to do great things, we must get out of our comfort zones. We must trust you for things that we could never do on our own. We must step out in faith and trust you. We must be willing to believe you for the things that just seem too big and extravagant. We must be willing to push past all the naysayers and people who tell us to aim for something more obtainable. We must be able to push past the fear and walk with you in faith. Lord, today we want to allow ourselves to dream with you. Place your extravagant dreams in our hearts. Teach us how to come to you to make this happen and not try to figure them out in our own strength. We praise you that when we look at you, we don’t have to fear. We can push past reason and take a risk with you.
In Jesus name, amen.
