May 11, 2022 - Job 6:8
“Oh, that I might have my request, That God would grant me the thing that I long for!” Job 6:8 NKJV
Lord, we praise you that you know our hearts. You know and understand our longings more than we understand them ourselves. You understand what the root desires are that cause us to long for certain things. I think that it is safe to say that each of us have deep longings that we want to see you fulfill in our lives. Today, we want to bring those things to you yet again. Lord, we give them to you and ask that you would bring them into fruition. I know that you are a God that has great plans for us and you want to give us the desires of our hearts. We ask for that today. But we also want to leave them with you and tell you that we trust you, your ways, and your timing. If what we want isn’t what is best for us or isn’t what is best in this season, help us to be patient. If what we ask for really won’t fulfill what we are truly desiring then show us what we need to do to see that desire truly fulfilled or taken away.
Lord, as we declare that we trust you with our desires. Help us to leave them at your feet and not obsess over them. Help us learn to find our fulfillment in you and learn to rest in you in the waiting. Lord, as much as we might ask for our desires, we want your perfect will more than anything else. We never want to ask for something so much that you grant it to us, even if it isn’t your best for us. We want your best even if it means we don’t get exactly what we think that we want. We know that what you have for us will always be better than anything we can think up on our own. Lord, if we have longings that don’t line up with your will, would you help us release those longings and see them replaced with what it is you have for us in this season. We praise you for how you care for us and have such good plans for each one of our lives.
In Jesus name, amen.
