May 10, 2024 - Hosea 6:3
“Oh, that we might know the Lord! Let us press on to know him. He will respond to us as surely as the arrival of dawn or the coming of rains in early spring.” Hosea 6:3 NLT
Lord, we praise you that you are the God who loves to be found. Thank you for not hiding away or being too lofty to notice us. How beautiful that you long to be known by us. We want to know you – to truly know you deeply. We don’t want to settle for a surface level knowledge about you. We don’t want to know what we have heard or read about you. No, we want to know you personally. We want to spend time in your presence daily and listen to what you want to share with us. We want to understand your heart and know your wisdom. We want to encounter you to the point that we fully trust in your character. We want to know you to the point that when the devil tries to tell us lies about you, they immediately ring as untrue.
Lord, knowing you like that does require us to press in. We can’t just stay on the surface but must dive deep. It will cost us our time, our selfish desires, and more. Help us be willing to pay whatever it costs to find more of you. You are so worth it. We praise you that when we do take the time to come before you, you will respond. It is who you are. We can count on you like we can count on the sun rising each day. You are much more faithful than the sun, for you control the sun. At your word it was created and could disappear the same way. We praise you that you are eternally faithful, and you don’t change. How wonderful! All praise to you.
In Jesus name, amen.
