May 10, 2023 - Psalms 19:14
“So may the words of my mouth, my meditation-thoughts, and every movement of my heart be always pure and pleasing, acceptable before your eyes, my only Redeemer, my Protector-God.” Psalms 19:14 TPT
Lord, this is truly our prayer. We want our every thought, our every word, and the longings of our hearts to be pure and pleasing to you. Transform us to be more like you. Uproot any motive that isn’t from you. Open our eyes to things that we don’t even realize exist, but that need to be changed. Any thought patterns that are not of you, help up recognize and change them. Help us renew our minds. Change them to think the way you think. Help our heart desire the things that you desire.
Forgive us for ways that our words have not brought you glory. Forgive us for thoughts that are not of you. Forgive us for the places where we have bought into lies and allowed them to direct our actions negatively. Forgive us when we act on desires that are not pleasing to you. Come and purify us of all these things. Keep turning up the heat and removing the things that are not of you.
Lord, we thank you that your thoughts are higher than our thoughts. We thank you that what you desire for us is so much better than anything we can desire for ourselves. We thank you that the words you speak over us are always words of life. Open our eyes to see ourselves the way you see us and believe the truth that you speak over us. Continue to transform us to be more like you, our Lord.
In Jesus name, amen.
