March 9, 2023 - Luke 14:16-20, 24
“Jesus replied with this parable: “A man invited many to join him in a great feast. When the day for the feast arrived, the host instructed his servant to notify all the invited guests and tell them, ‘Come, for everything is now ready for you!’ But one by one they all made excuses. One said, ‘I can’t come. I just bought some property and I have to go and look it over.’ Another said, ‘Please accept my regrets, for I just purchased five teams of oxen and I need to make sure they can pull the plow.’ Another one said, ‘I can’t come because I just got married.’ “I say to you all, no one who receives an invitation to feast with me and makes excuses will ever enjoy my banquet.”” Luke 14:16-20, 24 TPT
Lord, how easy is it to say that we never want to miss your banquet. After all who would want to miss a banquet set for us by God Almighty? I believe that you have set a banquet before us each day. You want us to come to you and dine on all you have to give us daily. I know that you always have things to speak to us that will fill our souls if we really take the time to listen. It is literally a feast set before us, waiting for us to sit and eat. We praise you for how you long to meet with us daily. We praise you for how you have set a table before us and want us to feast with you. We praise you that you are not a God who is stingy with things, but you are an abundant God.
Lord, forgive us for all the excuses that keep us from spending time in your presence. Teach us how to bring you into all that we do so that we are constantly in fellowship with you. Open our eyes to it when we are giving you lame excuses and help us change so we don’t miss out on your blessing. Help us make taking time daily to sit and eat with you at your banquet table a priority in our lives. For there is nothing that is more valuable than spending time with you.
In Jesus name, amen.