March 9, 2022 - Exodus 33:11a
“Inside the Tent of Meeting, the Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend.” Exodus 33:11a NLT
Lord, we want to know you the way Moses knew you in this passage. What an amazing thing to be able to speak face to face with you. We want to have a relationship and learn how to dwell in the secret place with you like this. Draw us closer, Father. There is nothing that we wouldn’t lay down or give up to know you like this. Lord, we realize that it isn’t just a simple trade, but it is a process. We must create space for you in our schedule and an environment in our hearts that is welcoming for you.
Lord, show us how to create more space for you in our lives. We all have places in our lives where we “decompress”. It might be playing games on our phone, watching movies/tv, reading books, etc. We know that none of those things are necessarily bad. They can even be things that we learn from and relax to, but they are not you. You are so much better than those things. You will fill us and refresh us like none of those things can. Show us how to value making space for you. We want to value our time with you more than just spacing out with things that hold little to no value in eternity. Show us how to have a healthy balance of our time and create more time for you.
We also ask that you help us create an environment in our hearts that welcomes your presence. Show us anything that we are giving a place in our lives that is pushing you out. Forgive us, purify us, and make us holy. We don’t want to hold on to anything that will keep you from meeting us like you did with Moses. You are more valuable to us than anything we might have to surrender. If you are calling us to forgive, to quit a behavior, to fast, to look strange to other, etc., we say, “Yes!” You are worth it. We want to talk with you face to face. We want you to call us a friend.
In Jesus name, amen.
