March 8, 2023 - Psalms 48:14
“For this God is our God forever and ever; he will be our guide even to the end.” Psalms 48:14 NIV
Lord, we are so grateful that you are our God. What an honor to serve the Almighty God! It is an honor in and of itself just because of who you are. You deserve all our praise. We will never fully grasp who you are while we are here on earth. Our minds can’t begin to comprehend your glory, your power & authority, your holiness, etc. You are so worthy to be praised. You deserve our everything and more. But it is also an honor to serve you because of how you love and serve us. You know us by name and care about every detail of our lives. It is an amazing privilege to be called one of your own. How wonderful that we get to spend all eternity in your presence. You will be our God forever and ever, and we will gladly worship you forever and ever. For you are worthy!
Lord, we praise you for being our guide. You are not just a good guide; you are the greatest guide. There is no guide that compares with you. You are wisdom. There is nothing that you don’t know or didn’t anticipate happening. You know everything about us. You know what is best for us and you want the best for us. You know what the future holds. We never for a second have to wonder if you might lead us astray. We don’t have to worry that you will forget us or leave us stranded. We praise you that you promise to lead our every step. We praise you for the many ways that you communicate with us and guide us. Lord, you do such a wonderful job of guiding us, but we don’t always do such a wonderful job of following your guidance. Or even asking you for guidance before we go and do our own thing. Please forgive us for this. We can never begin to direct our own lives as well as you will. Help us to remember to ask for guidance and then give us the courage to follow you wherever you lead.
In Jesus name, amen.
